Tips For Owning a Car in Hawaii

It’s no secret that owning a vehicle in Hawaii can be an expensive endeavor. As a matter of fact, Forbes magazine ranked states from least to most expensive areas to own a vehicle (five-year estimate of depreciation, insurance, fuel, maintenance and other repairs. As expected, Hawaii ranked among the most expensive, along with Alaska and California. Purchasing a car in Hawaii itself means that you’ll likely pay thousands of dollars more. For most people, this means that shipping a vehicle from the mainland United States to Hawaii is the most intelligent option.

 Still – there are some things to keep in mind when you decide to own a car in Hawaii, regardless of whether you purchase it there, rent a vehicle, or use a company like Budget Auto Shipping to save thousands on shipping used vehicles to Hawaii.

 Hawaii’s High Theft Rate

 While Hawaii has never experienced high violent crime rates, the theft rate continues to plague local law enforcement (the parking lot at the USS Arizona Memorial) is a particularly common target for thieves looking for valuables in unlocked vehicles. Do the following to keep your vehicle and valuables safe while you’re living and driving in Hawaii:

  • Don’t keep valuables in your vehicle, even if they’re locked in the trunk.
  • Try to park in well-lit, high-traffic areas whenever possible.
  • Store your vehicle in a garage to protect it from the elements.
  • Always keep your vehicle locked, even if you only intend to be away for a few minutes.

 While rental cars are more popular for the island’s thieves, even personal vehicles can be targeted after arriving on the island and leaving the protection of an auto shipper.

 Local Guidelines

 While there are no laws preventing you from honking your horn when driving, locals to Hawaii are very critical of drivers who abuse this privilege. Many people who live on the islands of Hawaii do not own a vehicle, and are especially critical against drivers who ignore pedestrian right-of-way or violate public road laws.

In addition, law enforcement is present at all construction areas throughout Hawaii’s highways due to frequent congestion problems. This can make it easier to get a traffic ticket.

The natural beauty of Hawaii’s roadways and exclusivity of ownership makes driving in Hawaii a good choice for some people. As long as you carefully plan for expenses like auto shipping to Hawaii, and keep your vehicle safe once it arrives, owning a vehicle in Hawaii is generally no less safe than owning one in the continental United States.